Career Path

A Specialist has basic knowledge and skills in skincare. This level is intended for those who have just learned the techniques and wish to deepen their foundational knowledge.
• Focus on fundamental techniques and products.
• Goal: A solid understanding of the techniques.
• Qualification is achieved by completing 10 modules. Specialists can take all modules at no additional cost.
• At least 3 finished results of the techniques must be submitted to Masters and Grand Masters.

An Expert has advanced knowledge and comprehensive skills in skincare. This level is for those who already have experience and wish to deepen their skills further.
• Focus on specialized techniques and advanced treatments.
• Goal: Highly qualified application and consultation in skincare.
• The Expert title can only be retained by completing 9 modules. All modules are conducted online through the DS V-LINE training application.

A Master has very advanced knowledge and extensive practical experience. This level is for professionals who possess expert knowledge and are capable of solving complex skincare problems.
• Focus on innovations in skincare and leadership skills.
• Goal: Masterful command of skincare practice and team leadership.
• Benefits: Actively serving as a trainer in the world’s largest skincare academy, earning additional income through training and further sales, and gaining DS V-LINE worldwide recognition in the beauty industry.

A Grand Master has outstanding knowledge and comprehensive experience in the field of skincare. This level is for top professionals recognized as pioneers and innovators in the industry.
• Focus on research, development of new techniques, and training other professionals.
• Goal: Setting new standards in the skincare industry and sharing knowledge at the highest level.
• Recognition in the global beauty industry, participation in all international events where DS V-LINE is involved.
• High profit share from the training sessions. Acting as the face of the technique brand. Marketing and sales support from DS V-LINE.